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② 包含日志代码的生命周期方法。

① onCreateView的实现,它对布局进行扩展并调用attachAdapter方法。

③ 私有方法attachAdapter,支持该片段的列表显示一些测试数据。

④ OnItemClickListener接口的实现,它响应用户交互,在这个例子中,即执行一些简单的代码,把一些测试数据发送给屏幕右侧栏的Fragment对象,或者如果屏幕太小无法显示两个片段,就执行后续的活动。注意这里没有给出该判断的代码。

package com.finchframework.uiframework;import android.app.Activity;import android.app.Fragment;import android.content.res.Configuration;import android.os.Bundle;import android.util.Log;import android.view.LayoutInflater;import android.view.Menu;import android.view.MenuInflater;import android.view.View;import android.view.ViewGroup;import android.widget.AdapterView;import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener;import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;import android.widget.ListView;public class QueryResultsListFragment extends Fragment implements OnItemClickListener{    // String for logging the class name    private final String TAG = getClass.getSimpleName;    // Turn logging on or off    private final boolean L = true;    public void onAttach(Activity activity) {        super.onAttach(activity);        // Notification that the fragment is associated with an Activity        if (L)            Log.i(TAG, /"onAttach /" + activity.getClass.getSimpleName);        }    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        // Tell the system we have an options menu        this.setHasOptionsMenu(true);        if (null != savedInstanceState)            restoreState(savedInstanceState);        // Notification that        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onCreate/");    }    // Factor this out of methods that get saved state    private void restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    @Override    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,            Bundle savedInstanceState) {①        final ListView list = (ListView) inflater.inflate(                R.layout.list_frag_list, container, false);        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onCreateView/");        attachAdapter(list);        list.setOnItemClickListener(this);        return list;    }    public void onStart {②        super.onStart;        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onStart/");    }    public void onresume {        super.onResume;        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onResume/");    }    public void onPause {        super.onPause;        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onPause/");    }    public void onStop {        super.onStop;        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onStop/");    }    public void onDestroyView {        super.onDestroyView;        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onDestroyView/");    }    public void onDestroy {        super.onDestroy;        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onDestroy/");    }    public void onDetach {        super.onDetach;        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onDetach/");    }    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    // Minor lifecycle methods    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    public void onActivityCreated {        // Notification that the containing activiy and its View hierarchy exist        if (L) Log.i(TAG, /"onActivityCreated/");    }    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    // Overrides of the implementations ComponentCallbacks methods in Fragment    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    @Override    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfiguration) {        super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfiguration);        // This won/'t happen unless we declare changes we handle in the manifest        if (L)            Log.i(TAG, /"onConfigurationChanged/");    }    @Override    public void onLowMemory {        // No guarantee this is called before or after other callbacks        if (L)            Log.i(TAG, /"onLowMemory/");    }    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    // Menu handling code    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {        inflater.inflate(R.menu.search_menu, menu);    }    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    // App-specific code    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    /**     * Attach an adapter that loads the data to the specified list     * @param list     */    private void attachAdapter(final ListView list) {③        // Make a trivial adapter that loads an array of strings        ArrayAdapter<String> numbers = new ArrayAdapter<String>(                list.getContext.getApplicationContext,                android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,                new String  {                /"one/", /"two/", /"three/", /"four/", /"five/", /"six/"            });        // tell the list to use it        list.setAdapter(numbers);        // l.setOnItemClickListener(this);    }    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    // Implementation of the OnItemClickListener interface    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    @Override    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view, int position, long id) {④        // As an example of sending data to our fragments, we will create a bundle        // with an int and a string, based on which view was clicked        Bundle b = new Bundle;        int ordinal = position + 1;        b.putInt(/"place/", ordinal);        b.putString(/"placeName/", Integer.toString(ordinal));        TabManager.loadTabFragments(getActivity, b);    }} 
